Thursday, February 21, 2013

A Twitter Find..

 In tech for Ed we had to find a source on twitter that sparked our interest and discuss why we liked it. While searching my twitter feed I came up on a tweet from huffington post saying students protest standardized testing. I thought wow this will be very interesting! Having gone through standardized testing in high school I was never the best at them, and thought they didn't really show my my potential. As teachers our main focus is on these standardized tests and getting our students to meet at least proficient. Now they are implementing new tests in Pennsylvania called the Keystone Exams students will have to pass this test in order to graduate. This sparks the question is this fair? Should students be based on a score to graduate? Will this lead to more students dropping out? This is something we will have to face with as teachers.

I hope you will read this article and I will post the video down below. The students dress up as zombies while protesting against taking standardized tests. They stated that 60% of high school students graduating in 2014 are at risk of not graduating from not passing the tests. I thought it was cool to see how the students feel and are reacting because this puts a lot of pressure on them and us. Well I hope you find this as interesting as I do.Enjoy!


  1. Hey! This really interested me! I thought it was very interesting that the students dressed up as zombies to protest about the tests! I agree with you though. This doesn't only effect them but it effects us as future educators.

  2. I found your blog post very interesting! I like that you found a certain topic on twitter that caught your eye and interested you and you used that topic and continued your research forward.

  3. Very interesting point. This was a good choice for discussion. And your question about will the "graduation test" cause more drop outs should definitely be considered. But my only problem with this all is that a lot of college freshmen struggle with basic skills in writing and math. Maybe these tests could be structured to help in these areas...maybe
