Friday, February 22, 2013

All About Me


Hi my name is Brittany Worman. I am currently a sophomore at Edinboro University and, I am studying Early Childhood Education. My interests are in animals, shopping, outdoor activities, arts and crafts, concerts, and most importantly music. I have a cat and a dog at home and would like to adopt more animals in the future. I like to go camping, hiking, swimming, skiing, any type of fun outdoor activities. My passion though is going to concerts, listening to music, finding new artists, and dancing. I like almost all types of music some categories more than others.

My first impressions of Technology for Education are excitement I'm hoping to learn new things to incorporate into my future classroom. I'm excited to learn how to use a smart board which students seem to enjoy. I'm interested in learning other methods than just power point which I believe isn't very exciting to students. I'm expecting from this class to learn new technology and other social medias to use in a classroom.

My technology skills would be a 5 I know how to use the computer, I have Internet skills, I know how to use  Photo shop, illustrator, and Microsoft word and other products, I also use social media. In my current studies I use Microsoft word, Google search, and Microsoft power point.

I hope to use technology in my future classroom I would like to use computer programs, iPads, and smart boards in the classroom. I hope this would help my students be excited about learning and having fun. Technology is very important in the classroom since our generation uses technology on a daily basis.



  1. I like your kittie picture! It's cool that you want to adopt a lot of animals in the future. I do too..I'll probably be a crazy cat lady when I'm older. I watch the video you post all the time haha it's really funny.

  2. I love the cat picture! The video is awesome too! I also like to do a lot of outdoor activities as well. I think it is also neat that you want to include animals in your future, because I want as well.

  3. Your picture at the top is awesome. I Laos love the kitty playing piano. I agree that music is very important. I also think that learning Smart Board will be great to use in our future classrooms. I think if we have fun with our lessons then the students will.

  4. I loved the cats in this post. Cracked me up. Combining your love of music and technology would be a great way to present information in your classes

  5. Hilarious pic! Great overview of you. One could easily buy you a gift just by reading your blog. Good stuff.
