Friday, May 10, 2013

Digital Citizenship (Fourth Grade)

What is Digital Citizenship?
Digital Citizenship is a concept which helps teachers, technology leaders and parents to understand what students/children/technology users should know to use technology appropriately. Digital Citizenship is more than just a teaching tool; it is a way to prepare students/technology users for a society full of technology. Digital citizenship is the norms of appropriate, responsible technology use. Too often we are seeing students as well as adults misusing and abusing technology but not sure what to do. The issue is more than what the users do not know but what is considered appropriate technology usage (Ribble Digital Citizenship).

This is crucial to fourth grade because they need to learn and understand the dangers of technology. Here are some tips I would use in my future classroom to help keep my students safe from the dangers of technology:

Strategies for a responsible -- and safer -- online life
Visit only age-appropriate sites. Check out the site before your kids visit it. Know what features and what content exist and make sure they’re good for your kids.
Search safely. Use safe search settings for young kids or think about applying filtering software to limit inappropriate exposure.
Avoid strangers. Tell your kids that people aren’t always who they say they are in cyberspace. Explain that if someone they don’t know talks to them, they shouldn’t respond but should let you know.
Be a good cyber citizen! Remind kids that an Internet playground is still a playground and they need to play nicely. A good rule of thumb: If they wouldn’t do something in real life, they shouldn’t do it online. Find out how your children can report mean behavior or unkind content on their favorite sites and teach them how to do it.
Online cheating? It’s still cheating and it’s a no-no – pure and simple.
Keep the computer in a central place. So you can see what’s going on.
Establish expectations and limits about the amount of time your children spend online and what they do. Check out our family media agreement for a helpful place to start.
View your own habits carefully. You are their role models.
But, mostly, be involved and have fun with them! Keeping kids safe and teaching them how to use digital technology responsibly is all about staying involved. Start by showing interest in the sites they visit and the games they play and your job will be a lot easier when they start exploring these technologies more independently (Common Sense Media).
It is important to promote digital citizenship because of the many dangers in technology. The strategies listed above are ways to help the many dangers from the internet. Students in the fourth grade will face, dangerous websites, strangers, and cyber bullying. There is a website called common sense media with lessons, games, and videos that talk about tips on internet safety. I could use this as a source for my future classroom. Keeping Kids Safe Online Video Click Here!In my Prezi below you will see the problems with digital citizenship.

Works Cited

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Learning to Unlearn

Learning to unlearn is putting all your ideas, beliefs, and concepts of learning behind. In high school majority of my teachers lectured, none really ever stood out to me. I thought learning in the classroom started with lecturing or power points while taking notes, then retaining the information, and test on that information learned. My learning styles were visual, and I mainly memorized the information then completely forgot about it after the test. That doesn't seem like an effective method. If I didn't enjoy that teaching style or get anything from it then why should I teach that same style. I need to unlearn that style and figure out a way to teach that will spark interest in my students. In the book it says one way to become a learner first is by finding our inner Jason. Which is a student in our classroom. You need to put yourself in your student's shoes not what you previously learned. If you teach to what you think will be beneficial to your student don't you think that will be way more beneficial then what you previously learned.

In The Connected Educator  they explain that educators construct knowledge for, in, and of practice. Knowledge for practice is often reflected in traditional professional development when a trainer shares information that educational researchers have produced. It lays the groundwork for gaining expertise and gives you something to share in networks and communities. However, in isolation, with out the opportunity to apply the learning to teaching, gaining passive knowledge typically is not enough to produce needed shifts in practice. Next knowledge in practice recognizes the importance of educator experience and practical knowledge for improving practice. This is the "try it out and see if it works" phase of knowledge construction. Last knowledge of practice suggests a systematic inquiry in which teachers and leaders collaboratively create new understandings as they raise questions about and systematically study their practices. This kind of inquiry allows for deep learning in ways that move beyond the basics of classroom practice.

We don't need to only unlearn for us but for our students. We need to relearn for every student finding what works for students and what doesn't work. Making our own teaching style based on our student. Unlearning teaching and learning maybe hard, but if we unlearn and teach effectively for that student wouldn't it be worth it in the end.

Thursday, April 11, 2013

First Flipped Lesson

This video is of my first flipped lesson the students would have previously learned about dinosaurs and animals today comparing and contrasting. In the actual flipped lesson they learn about carnivore and herbivore dinosaurs. Then after the video they would come to class and I would show a picture of a dinosaur they would use a paddle with one side red and one side green. If it was a herbivore dinosaur show the green side, and a carnivore show the red side. Since I never have done a flipped lesson there are several changes I would make plenty of practice before I start, and probably standing instead of sitting. I would also change my actual lesson probably not go in the direction of guiding the students through the website, but show several characteristics a herbivore dinosaur has and pictures. Then pictures of carnivore dinosaurs and characteristics they have.

Thursday, February 28, 2013

What I did this week

       Creative Environment

     This week in Creative environment I did a group presentation with Brandy Smail, Aaliyah Davis, and Amber Barletto. We had to teach a Art project to the class and we wanted to use a under the sea theme. So to find a idea we used good old Pinterest we searched fish until we found one we all liked. So we found a CD fish that we could bedazzle out. We decided to base it on the book The Rainbow Fish. Our presentation was an overall success besides the fact that it was only supposed to be 12 minutes and we went 27 minutes oops. We worked well as a team and we learned from our mistakes. We also used the computer lab to learn about power point we made our own power point which is similar to the one I put in my blog for open house. I saved it on Google drive and used what I previously learned in technology for education. Below is Ernest Borgnine reading The Rainbow Fish with animations.

Intro to Philosophy
I did a paper about the Allegory of the Caves by Plato and my opinion about it. We also had a test which was tough but, I pulled through. We have also done a group project where we had to research about philosophers. If you are interested about the Allegory of the Cave you can watch a video about it below. 

In all my other classes we did homework, take notes, tests, and research papers.

Friday, February 22, 2013

All About Me


Hi my name is Brittany Worman. I am currently a sophomore at Edinboro University and, I am studying Early Childhood Education. My interests are in animals, shopping, outdoor activities, arts and crafts, concerts, and most importantly music. I have a cat and a dog at home and would like to adopt more animals in the future. I like to go camping, hiking, swimming, skiing, any type of fun outdoor activities. My passion though is going to concerts, listening to music, finding new artists, and dancing. I like almost all types of music some categories more than others.

My first impressions of Technology for Education are excitement I'm hoping to learn new things to incorporate into my future classroom. I'm excited to learn how to use a smart board which students seem to enjoy. I'm interested in learning other methods than just power point which I believe isn't very exciting to students. I'm expecting from this class to learn new technology and other social medias to use in a classroom.

My technology skills would be a 5 I know how to use the computer, I have Internet skills, I know how to use  Photo shop, illustrator, and Microsoft word and other products, I also use social media. In my current studies I use Microsoft word, Google search, and Microsoft power point.

I hope to use technology in my future classroom I would like to use computer programs, iPads, and smart boards in the classroom. I hope this would help my students be excited about learning and having fun. Technology is very important in the classroom since our generation uses technology on a daily basis.


Thursday, February 21, 2013

A Twitter Find..

 In tech for Ed we had to find a source on twitter that sparked our interest and discuss why we liked it. While searching my twitter feed I came up on a tweet from huffington post saying students protest standardized testing. I thought wow this will be very interesting! Having gone through standardized testing in high school I was never the best at them, and thought they didn't really show my my potential. As teachers our main focus is on these standardized tests and getting our students to meet at least proficient. Now they are implementing new tests in Pennsylvania called the Keystone Exams students will have to pass this test in order to graduate. This sparks the question is this fair? Should students be based on a score to graduate? Will this lead to more students dropping out? This is something we will have to face with as teachers.

I hope you will read this article and I will post the video down below. The students dress up as zombies while protesting against taking standardized tests. They stated that 60% of high school students graduating in 2014 are at risk of not graduating from not passing the tests. I thought it was cool to see how the students feel and are reacting because this puts a lot of pressure on them and us. Well I hope you find this as interesting as I do.Enjoy!

Monday, February 11, 2013

Welcome to Our Future Classroom!

This is my power point for my future classroom. I would like to use this for open house to give my student's parents an idea of how my classroom would run. I also learned about Google drive and all the different documents you can make. I personally like using the power point on Google than Word. I also learned how to embed codes on to blogger or any website which brings me back to the old Myspace days. I also learned how to make a grading presentation which is below my PowerPoint   Any constructive criticism or ideas would help so please comment below. Also please fill out the presentation form below.